Tag: responsibility

10 Signs Your Organization’s Culture is Toxic
By: Carey Nieuwhof Ever wonder if your organization’s culture is toxic? Apparently, not enough leaders do. According to a Gallup survey, only 15% of employees globally are engaged at work. In America, 30% of employees are engaged, which at first sounds great. Except that means that 70% of your workforce […]

3 Things to Consider Before Giving Up on Your Spouse
By: Carey Nieuwhof You’ve heard people say that marriage can be hard, but you didn’t know it could be this hard. You married with the hope of sharing your life with someone who’s as pumped to make the most of it as you are, so how did the two of […]

10 Ways the World Dramatically Changed in the 2010s
by Carey Nieuwhof: Time flies. And while you’re busy leading, the world is busy changing, again. While many of us remember 2010 like it was yesterday, it wasn’t yesterday. Things have changed, a lot. And we’re again on the verge of a fresh decade—the 2020s. In leadership, it’s critical to […]

How to Stop Throwing Your Team Under the Bus (Even If They Keep Messing Up)
by Carey Nieuwhof: My guess is that as a leader you hate it when your team messes up. Who doesn’t? The real test of your leadership and character comes not when your team gets it right, but when you or they screw up. Your team will absolutely make mistakes. And […]

5 ways to lead when you’re not the senior leader
by Carey Nieuwhof: If you were in charge, everything would be different, wouldn’t it? But you’re not. At least not yet. You think you’re right (you have some great ideas). And you’ll do anything to convince your boss to do what you think your church or organization needs to do. […]

CNLP 278: Ian Morgan Cron on How Your Enneagram Profile Positions You for Burnout, Pride, Cynicism and Other Hidden Traps in Life and Leadership
by Carey Nieuwhof: Ian Morgan Cron interviews Carey for this episode of his top rated Typology podcast, but in the middle of the interview, Carey turned the tables got Ian to apply his Enneagram insights to Carey’s latest book, Didn’t See It Coming. What results is Ian doing a fascinating […]