Tag: sabbath
How to Prioritize Rest Like Jesus
By Doug Holliday: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 NIV How are you […]
Thriving in Leadership
Home > Blog > Thriving in Leadership Thriving in Leadership By New Churches Team Leading in the church makes pastors prone to serving in crisis. Pastors come alongside and provide long-term care and encouragement to people who are in the midst of crisis. Church and ministry leaders are often second […]
Hey Church Leader, How's Your Margin?
by TheChurch.Digital: Dearest church leader, online pastor, or tech worker- With all sincerity, I tell you this: Take a break. It’s the only way you’re going to successfully rediscover your RHYTHM. Don’t get snippy with me, either. I know it’s tough right now. But your rhythm is of VITAL IMPORTANCE. […]
4 Reasons Leaders Need Rest
by Shawn Lovejoy: We are not wired to function without rest. Take a moment and personalize that. YOU are not wired to function without rest. This is true on a base human level, but it is a good lesson for leaders as well. “Burning the midnight oil” is a great […]
Why Leadership Is So Exhausting—And What to Do About It
by Carey Nieuwhof: You’re probably feeling a little tired. And if that’s the case, you’re not alone. Exhaustion, anxiety and stress seems to be a growing problem in leadership. Recently, a planned sabbatical made headlines when mega-church pastor Howard-John Wesley stood before 4500 worshippers in early December and told them he was tired […]
CNLP 309: Terry Wardle on Why So Many Leaders Cave Under the Pressures of Leadership, Why Leaders Implode Morally, and How to Grieve Your Leadership Losses
by Carey Nieuwhof: Few people have impacted Carey’s personal journey as much as Terry Wardle. That’s why it’s such a thrill to bring podcast listeners this interview. Terry talks about why so many leaders cave under the pressure of leadership, what’s underneath the moral failure so many leaders experienced, and […]
5 Actions To Restore Sabbath Rest In Our Lives
by Stan Rodda: A theme has been coming to the surface recently in my life. I have noticed it in my calls with my coach and texts with my accountability partner. That theme is…rest. I’m sure many of you have found yourself in a situation like mine. You are in […]
7 Practical Tips to Help You Stop Working 7 Days a Week
by Carey Nieuwhof: So you’re busy. Welcome to the club. For too many of us, busy now means working 7 days a week. One leader approached me a while back and said the one thing he knew would change everything for him was to stop working 7 days a week. […]