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Tag: TCD Podcast

PODCAST 071: Nils Smith & A Futurist's View of an Innovative, Entrepreneurial Church

The Church.Digital: In the midst of this pandemic, we’re taking a moment to talk with one of the pioneers of the Church Online movement. Nils Smith was there from practically day one, diving into Church Online when the social media platform of choice was MySpace (yes, Myspace). This conversation is […]

PODCAST 067: Tyler Sansom & the Relational Approach to Church Online

by The Church.Digital: In the hectic-ness to build a Church Online, we often forget the biggest part… okay, Jesus is the biggest part. Didn’t mean to Jesus juke you there. So let’s call it the second biggest part, and no I’m not talking sermons. Church, we are in the people […]

PODCAST 060: Larry Walkemeyer & Getting People On Kingdom Mission

by TheChurch.Digital: My favorite part of this podcast episode is that it is everything I expected it to be and I had set the standard very, very high. Larry Walkemeyer is the Lead Pastor of Light and Life Christian Fellowship in Long Beach, CA. Larry is also the author of […]

PODCAST 058: What Does It Mean to be On Mission During Coronavirus?

by Jeff Reed: What is the role of the Church? In this Coronavirus season, that is a difficult question. How do we broadcast our church service online? By far this is the most popular question the church is asking in this Coronavirus season. While it’s a valid question to ask, […]

PODCAST 052: Coronavirus & Preparing for Emergencies

by Jeff Reed: Whether coronavirus is a legitimate fear or not is not the topic of conversation here. Fact is, we face all sorts of city-wide emergencies on a regular basis. Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Bitter Cold… Institutional churches face challenges like this on a regular basis in situations that prevent […]

PODCAST 051: Ed Stetzer & Defining a Successful Church

by Jeff Reed: What makes a successful Digital Church? Church Online? Church overall? What is it? I’ll tell you what it’s not: our Sunday morning attendance numbers… yet this is where many of our analytics (and attention, for that matter) stop. A quote from Ed Stetzer years ago has always […]

PODCAST 044: Jate Earhart & Constructing a Digital Church

by Jeff Reed: This Episode of The Church Digital Podcast may challenge some established norms. If so, that’s cool. They probably need to be challenged. A small, but growing number of physical churches are finally seeing that community can be created in virtual spaces, and now more than ever churches […]

PODCAST 045: Church In A Bar & Other Innovations

by Jeff Reed: Sometimes innovation is overly complicated and very costly. Sometimes innovation is just looking at what you have differently. What you’ll discover here in this episode of The Church Digital Podcast is two churches that have done some incredibly innovative things with what they had. So much effort […]