14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

WEBINAR: 5 Keys for Creating a Culture of Leadership Development


Do you want to take your church to the next level in leadership development?

According to Leadership Network’s Warren Bird, approximately 80% of North America’s churches are either plateaued or declining. Only 20% are growing and less than 0.5% of all church are multiplying—either by starting new churches or planting new campuses.

Critical to becoming a multiplying church is raising up and developing enough leaders so you not only are starting new churches/campuses but also reaching more people in your community and having enough passionate leaders to disciple others.

Today, we’re desperate for models, success stories on churches that are leading the way in producing an abundance of effective volunteer and staff leaders. Cedar Creek, in Toledo, Ohio is one of those hidden gems.

In June of 1994 Lee Powell attended a church leadership conference at Willow Creek Community church. where he heard Bill Hybels talk about the local church being the hope of the world. Later that night, Lee gathered with four others who were attending the conference with him to talk about the possibilities for a church like that in the greater Toledo area. In November 1994, twenty-five people came together to form the core of what is now known as Cedar Creek Church.

Since those humble beginnings, Cedar Creek has grown into a church of more than 8,000 people in weekly attendance, in five locations. It has helped plant 10 new congregations in the U.S. as well, and has churches in Central America and the Dominican Republic.

One of the most impressive parts of Cedar Creek is instead of importing leaders and staff from other churches, it has identified, developed and deployed leaders from within their own congregation. Of the 100 people on payroll at the church, 97 have been raised up from within.

steve-hutmacherWe recently invited Steve Hutmacher, Executive Pastor at Cedar Creek to join us for a FREE webinar titled “5 Keys for Creating a Culture of Leadership Development.”  Steve oversees leadership development and Cedar Creek’s internship and apprenticeship program.

Join us on Wednesday, April 26th, at 1:00 pm CDT to learn the top five principles that have guided Cedar Creek’s multiplication emphasis.


Source: WEBINAR: 5 Keys for Creating a Culture of Leadership Development