by unSeminary: Alright, you talked me into it.
I’ve received hundreds (maybe thousands) of questions over the years about my experiences in launching campuses. I’ve had the privilege of being in the driver’s seat for 13 multisite church campus launches and that means I’ve learned a lot about what not to do! We released somewhere around 1,500 volunteers into the launch teams of these campuses, and today these locations serve somewhere over 9,000 people every weekend. The multisite church movement continues to gain momentum, and I want to help equip churches to launch more locations. What questions do you have about launching? Some past questions I have received include:
How do you find enough great volunteers for a strong launch?What does a healthy launch timeline look like?Who is or should be part of the launch team?How do you market and promote the opening of the new campus so that people actually show up?
And the list goes on. And I love it because I’m ridiculously passionate about launching multisite campuses, and I want to see your church do more and succeed. Whether your church is currently just one location and you’re thinking about launching a new location or if you already have a few campuses and want to launch more, I want to help you! I’d love to hear your questions in order to integrate them into new helpful resources that we’ll be launching in the coming months.
I would love to hear YOUR burning questions! To make this as helpful as possible, submit your questions via the form below so I can make sure they are answered.
[Click here to leave your questions.]
Thanks again for all that you are doing to reach the people in your community! I’m excited to see what happens in your church as you look towards launching more locations in the future.
Source: What Do You Want To Know About Multisite Church Launches?