14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Why You Won't Make It


by Shawn Lovejoy: Many things attempt to kill your leadership:

Isolation…Fatigue…Character Issues…Moral Failure…and the list goes on.

However, there might be one thing that’s more dangerous than all of the others because it’s more of a silent killer. It’s subtle. It’s gradual. No one can tell it’s happening.

A leader’s #1 silent killer is when We Stop Learning.

When we stop learning, we stop growing. When we stop growing, we start dying. We get caught up managing, and we stop leading. We help everyone else at the expense of our own leadership.

You won’t make it if you allow yourself to stop learning.

Here are 3 ways to ensure that your leadership continues to grow as you learn over the long-haul.

Bite-Size Learning

Overwhelm is a big reason leaders stop learning. Trying to ingest too much new information or learn everything about a subject in a short timeframe is too much. Instead, make it a point to learn a little bit each day. Instead of reading an entire book, or even an entire chapter from a book, read a few pages each day. Learning is more sustainable when learning is easily doable.

Schedule Learning

Put. Learning. On. Your. Calendar. Just like everything else, you need to schedule blocks of time to grow. The moment I start managing more than leading, I’m in trouble. The moment I get so busy working IN IT, that I stop working ON IT, I start dying slowly. I may not notice it, but others will. Get ahead today by scheduling time to learn on your calendar.

Get a Coach

All of this is why I have always been a big fan of coaching and mentoring. I currently have multiple sets of personal coaching/mentoring relationships. I realize that I need to keep learning for my leadership and organization to grow. I MUST keep learning and growing! So must you!

What do you need to do today to put yourself in a posture of new learning and growth? How are you learning? When are you growing? Who are your coaches?

We would love to talk about coaching with you. Simply schedule a FREE 30-Minute Strategy Session today to find out what that looks like!

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Source: Why You Won’t Make It