Tag: self-leadership
CNLP 397: Craig Groeschel on the Future of Church Attendance, How to Lead Well When Everyone Has Different Opinions, and on Winning the War in Your Mind
By Carey Nieuwhof: Craig Groeschel returns to talk about what he’s learned in the last year about church attendance, how to lead your team well when everyone has strong (and divergent) opinions, why he’s gone 100% in on digital church and 100% in on physical church, and how he’s winning […]
CNLP 387: Harris III on How to Recover from Cynicism, Recapturing Wonder as a Leader and the Power of Story
By Carey Nieuwhof: Harris III traveled the world as a teenage illusionist, making a million dollars by age 21 and losing it all at age 22. His growing cynicism almost took him down, but around age 30, he learned to recapture wonder. He explains how wonder can not only recapture […]
The 5 Kinds of Church Leaders We’re Seeing Right Now (And their Future Prospects)
by Carey Nieuwhof: So you’re trying to make the best decisions you can in a deeply confusing, stressful time, and you’re tired. I get it. I know when I get tired, it’s hard to think straight, let alone sense where the decisions I’m making are taking us long term. How do […]
CNLP 354: Jo Saxton on How Leaders Fall Into Burnout, How to Come Back from It and on How to Reduce Anxiety and Stress on Your Team
by Carey Nieuwhof: “You have one body, and your leadership lives in it.” Jo Saxton had a lot to overcome from her childhood, and it caused her to become a driven leader in her thirties. Eventually, her drivenness led her into a burnout so deep she ended up in the […]
10 Ways the World Dramatically Changed in the 2010s
by Carey Nieuwhof: Time flies. And while you’re busy leading, the world is busy changing, again. While many of us remember 2010 like it was yesterday, it wasn’t yesterday. Things have changed, a lot. And we’re again on the verge of a fresh decade—the 2020s. In leadership, it’s critical to […]
CNLP 309: Terry Wardle on Why So Many Leaders Cave Under the Pressures of Leadership, Why Leaders Implode Morally, and How to Grieve Your Leadership Losses
by Carey Nieuwhof: Few people have impacted Carey’s personal journey as much as Terry Wardle. That’s why it’s such a thrill to bring podcast listeners this interview. Terry talks about why so many leaders cave under the pressure of leadership, what’s underneath the moral failure so many leaders experienced, and […]
Afraid to Make A Move? 7 Risks Any Leader Can Take.
by Carey Nieuwhof: The problem with many leaders is that there is a gap between what they want to see happen and the courage it takes to get there. You dream of a radical new future, but then you answer email all day, go to meetings, inhale caffeine and go […]