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Tag: Spiritual Growth


Sanctification is Possible!

Our speech reveals how we think, feel, and understand the world. Words shape us. But our theology determines our words. In fact, as we speak, our understanding of who God is and how we trust him is made manifest. This is something I have been considering deeply and regularly as […]


7 Early Warning Signs Your Heart Is Growing Hard in Leadership

by Carey Nieuwhof: If you’re like me, the longer you serve in leadership, the more intentional you have to become at keeping your heart open and fully alive. Hardness of heart is a condition that people on the wrong side of God and people develop. Biblically, Pharaoh suffered from it. Israel did on occasion. […]


5 Things About Leadership My 25-Year-Old Self Never Would Have Believed

by Carey Nieuwhof: Oh to know then what you know now. It never works that way, though, does it? This past weekend, I celebrated a birthday. It was a good one. I spent much of the day being grateful, but it also made me realize how much I’ve learned over […]


Has Your Leadership Peaked? Leadership And The Theory of the Ten Year Run.

by Cary Nieuwhof: The last thing you want as a leader is to have your best days behind you. But it happens all the time, long before a leader steps out of leadership. The questions are how does it happen…and, more importantly, what can you do about it? Sadly, you […]


CNLP 251: Drew Powell and Matt Warren on Why Attractional Church is Past Peak, Why It’s Changing and What’s Next for Weekend Services

by Carey Nieuwhof: The attractional church model has been the dominant church model for 20 years in growing churches and many leaders are noticing it’s not nearly as effective as it used to be. Few churches were better known for the attractional model than Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. […]


CNLP 248: Joel and Nina Schmidgall on Why Marriage is Hard and Why Praying Circles Around Your Marriage Can Change More Than You Think

by Carey Nieuwhof: Anyone who has been married for a while knows it can be difficult, but marriage is often harder than most couples signed up for. Joel and Nina Schmidgall talk about the struggles they themselves and the couples they work with face, and how prayer can help more […]


7 Things Bad Leaders Say To Themselves And Their Teams

by Carey Nieuwhof: Nobody sets out to be a bad leader. You didn’t. I didn’t. Yet according to a Gallup study, only 18% of managers have a ‘high degree of talent’ in leading people, which includes the ability to motivate and manage the relationships they have with people around them. […]


Some Thoughts On Why MegaChurch Pastors Keep Falling

Carey Nieuwhof: So this isn’t an easy post to write, nor a glib one. I’m not even sure what I’m about to write is accurate. But once again last week, we heard of yet another mega-church pastor who isn’t in leadership anymore, this one fired by his church because of […]


CNLP 230: Pete Scazzero on Why So Many Successful Leaders Are Emotionally Immature, How to Tell Whether That’s You, and How to Become Emotionally Intelligent and Spiritually Mature

by Carey Nieuwhof: Pete Scazzero will be the first to tell you that while he was successful on the outside as a leader, he was immature on the inside, and his wife had had enough. That moved Pete on a journey to figure out what was wrong and how to […]


5 Significant Attitude Differences Between Churches That Grow and Churches That Don’t

by Carey Nieuwhof: So…what’s the difference between a growing church and a declining church? Well there are many, but one of the biggest differences I see is the attitude of the leaders. The leaders of growing churches almost always share a common attitude. So do the leaders of declining churches. And the attitude […]