by Carey Nieuwhof: You say things every day as leaders that work against you, not for you.
Have a look at the list below, and you’ll immediately recognize that you probably say some (or all) of these things without even realizing it. They’re almost verbal ticks in our culture. They’re stock expressions that everyone uses and nobody should.
Even if you don’t really mean anything by them, these statements undermine your effectiveness as a leader.
So why do little phrases matter to your leadership?
Two reasons.
First, what we say reflects what we believe. Especially the little phrases that slip out without giving them much thought. They expose convictions that are worth letting go.
Second, they matter because each of these five phrases I’m sharing with you is a lie—not in the horrible moral sense, but in the sense that they’re actually not true.
Of all the lies we tell, the lies we tell ourselves are the most deadly because they follow us everywhere we go in life and leadership…
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