The following is a suggested reading list for Church Planters:
Launch Strong Brett Andrews and Dale SpauldingIt’s Personal Brian and Amy Bloye1,000 Churches Ed Stetzer and Daniel ImChurch Unique Will ManciniNew To Five Ralph Moore and Jeff ChristophersonMade For More Todd Wilson and Rob WagnerStarfish Movement Dan Grider10 Count Dave Milam and Chad SimpkinsPlanting Missional Churches, Second Edition, by Ed Stetzer and Daniel ImSeven Practices of Effective Ministry, by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner and Lane JonesBuild To Last, by Jim Collins Jerry PorrasGood to Great, by Jim CollinsThe Nuts and Bolts of Church Planting, by Aubrey MalphursStarting New Churches on Purpose, by Ron SylviaSurprising Insights from the Unchurched and Proven Ways to Reach Them, by Thom RainerThe Unchurched Next Door, by Thom RainerWhen God Builds a Church, by Bob Russell