14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Thanks for a Great Year!

Dale Spaulding, Director, Passion for Planting
Dale Spaulding
Director, Passion for Planting

It’s hard to believe, but we’re just about to wrap up 2016! This has been a fantastic year on many fronts and we want to take a moment and say thanks to all of you for being part of this incredible journey we call church planting. Thanks for what you do every day to bring the love of Christ to cities, to neighborhoods and to people all around the world.

We are humbled to do our part in providing resources to support your faithful work and the calling God has placed on your heart. We’re looking forward to an even better 2017 as we work together to launch healthy, multiplying churches.

Merry Christmas and thanks for a great 2016! 



As we reflect back on 2016, we recognize how blessed we are at Passion for Planting to support church planters on the front lines who are committed to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

Church Plants in Progress
Passion for Planting is thrilled to be supporting 5 new church plants launching in 2017. This past year of preparation for the planters of these new churches included Passion for Planting’s Church Planter Residency and our Project Management Services with our PlanterPlan tool.

We’ve seen nearly 500 downloads per week to help church planters navigate their way to launching healthy churches. Our most popular downloads include: New Church Planning Checklist, Sample Launch Plan, Launch Plan Template and Launch Team Expectations.
Every month, more and more church planters and support organizations subscribe to our newsletter to catch up on the latest topics in church planting. We are humbled by your encouraging feedback!
Just in the past 10 months, church planters from 46 of 50 states have requested demographic studies for areas across the United States. No doubt God is moving across our nation!
Every day we saw at least one PlanterPlan activation! Church planters from around the globe are using PlanterPlan.  Serbia to Uganda to Australia to India; all across the United States, church planters are using this project management tool to help create and manage their launch plans.
We hosted over 200 church planters at 4 pre-conference events held by Exponential in Orlando, Washington DC, Los Angeles and Chicago. Absolutely wonderful to meet so many of you in person, share stories and encourage you on your church planting journey!
Launch Strong Books
Brett Andrews and Dale Spaulding authored and distributed over 400 printed Launch Strong books plus over 600 eBooks have been downloaded for free at Exponential.org.

We ended the year with a HUGE announcement:

Mid-Atlantic Christian University (MACU) is partnering with Passion for Planting to provide a Graduate Certificate in Church Planting. So starting in the Fall of 2017, we’ll now offer two church planter residency training options.  You can learn more about these offerings on our Residencies page.

MACU School of Graduate Studies