Tag: Life
7 Practical Tips to Help You Stop Working 7 Days a Week
by Carey Nieuwhof: So you’re busy. Welcome to the club. For too many of us, busy now means working 7 days a week. One leader approached me a while back and said the one thing he knew would change everything for him was to stop working 7 days a week. […]
5 Things About Leadership My 25-Year-Old Self Never Would Have Believed
by Carey Nieuwhof: Oh to know then what you know now. It never works that way, though, does it? This past weekend, I celebrated a birthday. It was a good one. I spent much of the day being grateful, but it also made me realize how much I’ve learned over […]
5 Simple Ways to Assess The Effectiveness of Your Leadership
by Carey Nieuwhof: One of the most difficult aspects of leadership is to know how you’re doing as a leader. Add a little insecurity into the mix, and it makes things even more complex. Naturally, you’ll get feedback from your peers and probably get an occassional 360 review (both great […]
CNLP 246: John Ortberg On What’s Wrong With How We Define Salvation and What It Really Means to Follow Jesus
By Carey Nieuwhof: It’s not often you get a deep dive into theology on this podcast, but today, we go there with John Ortberg. John talks about what’s wrong with how we define salvation in liberal and conservative circles, how a better understanding can change lives (including yours) and why […]
CNLP 248: Joel and Nina Schmidgall on Why Marriage is Hard and Why Praying Circles Around Your Marriage Can Change More Than You Think
by Carey Nieuwhof: Anyone who has been married for a while knows it can be difficult, but marriage is often harder than most couples signed up for. Joel and Nina Schmidgall talk about the struggles they themselves and the couples they work with face, and how prayer can help more […]
The Single Best Way To Fully Motivate Your Team
by Carey Nieuwhof: See if you recognize this. There are some kinds of leaders (often in churches and not-for-profits) who are wonderful with people, but whose organizations don’t produce great results. Often there’s little accountability, a general drift, poor metrics and just a lack of overall excellence. But the leader’s a […]
5 Signs The Enemy (Not God) is Winning In Your Life and Leadership
by Carey Nieuwhof: Only the crazy people believe in evil and an actual Enemy, right? Well, that’s kind of what I used to think too. As a young Christian, I believed that what the scriptures taught about evil was accurate, but accurate in a this happened thousands of years ago kind of […]
7 Simple Practices for Building Trust in Your Team
by Heather Zempel: How do you win when you’re the underdog? Well, believe it or not, trust has a lot to do with it. In You Win in the Locker Room First, Jon Gordon tells the story of the 2014 University of Florida basketball team. Without a single player drafted to […]